1:1 PR Strategy Call with Kerri L Watt

Kerri L Watt
Kerri L Watt

If you’re looking for advice on an upcoming campaign or want to go right back to basics and learn how to do PR, this strategy session is for you.

Join me in a  1:1 PR call (online via Zoom) where we’ll look into landing media coverage for your company, media outlets you could be featured in, how to reach out to journalists, writing press releases, pitching your ideas, coming up with stories… and anything else you would love to know about PR.

Over the past decade, I’ve been fortunate enough to train hundreds of people how to do their own PR and I’m now a Freelance Journalist too. I love the media world and can’t wait to share it with you too! 

The 1:1 PR strategy sessions are 60 minutes long and cost £199 and are ideal for company directors, sole traders, agencies and marketing teams. 

To book, just click the link below. You’ll then be sent to my diary where you can pencil in a convenient time for our call.

Looking for more than a one-off PR session? 

If you’re keen to work with me but prefer ongoing PR mentoring or a PR campaign done for you, click here to find out how to work with me.