With many companies looking to wind down or take some time out over the holidays, this is a great time to put together a plan of action with so business keeps ticking along without your constant attention. And I’m going to show you how you do it too with some easy summer marketing tips!
One of my favourite tactics with my 1:1 coaching clients is ‘newsjacking’ where we quite literally ‘hijack’ the news. So I’ll see a topical story in my client’s industry or the local/national news and we dive in with a comment or our own take on the story.
Have a think about hot topics that people are talking about or things that are happening RIGHT now and you too could start appearing in the media commenting on these very subjects.
Here are just a few examples of simple PR ideas and how to easily raise your profile this summer…
Summer PR idea 1 – A heatwave
When the weather is unbearably hot, the media will be looking for experts to share tips on things like helping babies and children sleep when it’s so hot, products to help you stay cool in the office etc.
Summer PR idea 2 – Covid restrictions lifting
Your local area’s lifestyle magazines, newspapers, business magazines will all be covering this today and this week. You could share how your business is changing (or not!) and why.
If you’re a marketer you could share summer marketing tips to help companies welcome back customers in a safe way. Or any other strategy you know others would find helpful to know during this tricky time.
Summer PR idea 3 – School holidays
At the time of publishing this article, it is the last week of school before loooong old summer holiday, and even if you read this halfway through or after the break, it’s still super relevant multiple times a year.
Through school holidays, a business coach could share tips on how to keep your business going over the hols without missing out on time with the kids. An accountant supporting small businesses could share their views on challenges their ideal client faces with budgets while half the team on holiday. A hotel could share their venue for a ‘top hotel for families’ roundup.
There is SO much you can do with each of these examples. The main thing is to consider your expertise and find that newsworthy way in which you can jump in on the story too!
How do I know what to comment on or where the stories are?
Start by setting up some Google Alerts too with keywords relating to your expertise and/or your business.
You’ll then be emailed every time that word or phrase is published online. It’s an amazing way to keep on top of topical news without needing to spend hours searching as it just appears in your inbox!
Also, set up Google Alerts for your name and company name so you can see if anyone published something about you.
You can also try registering for your local newspaper or journalist email updates to keep on top of what’s happening in the area.
I enjoy following journalists and media outlets on Twitter to see what they’re talking and writing about.
The ‘newsjacking’ possibilities really are endless!
Everyone has a newsworthy story inside them. I know this from extracting thousands of them with clients over the years.
Jumping in on a current hot topic is a simpler way that any entrepreneur or business owner can access media coverage. And PR works even if you’re new or unknown.
With topical stories you have to act fast. If you wait too long, they’ll be talking about something else. Take action now and find out which journalists are writing about the topics you want to dive in on. And simply reach out with your take/opinion and why YOU are the person to speak to.
Pulling out those newsworthy stories (and showing companies how to get free exposure!) is one of my favourite things to do in my 1:1 PR strategy calls and done-for-you service. Just hit the button below if you’d like to start appearing in the media too.
PR is a super way to raise your profile and get in front of thousands of new eyes and build your industry street cred along the way too. Landing media coverage is much easier and quicker than you think. And it’s A LOT of fun 😉
Want to start using free media coverage to get your business in front of your dream clients?
I help companies pull out their newsworthy stories and do their own PR in-house (saving thousands in ad spends each year and reaching thousands, even millions, more people.